Lego Star Wars Rocks

Lego Star wars is a 3 dimensional plat former with plenty of opportunities for blaster and light saber fights, either in single or two player game modes. Lego Star wars is a pretty good game for being made of Lego’s. Lego Star Wars is a great little game very fun to play, and not frustrating as some games can be. Lego star wars is amazing as long as you stick to the story mode.


Lego Star wars II includes more objects to collect, bigger sports levels, allows you to combine characters in different ways, and allows you to take command of vehicles and ride a variety of animals in the platform levels. Additional features like Lego money can be used to buy cold bricks, game extras, characters, and useful tips and hints. There are loads of figures that you can buy which will make you play levels again so you can get even more Lego Studs to buy characters. You also can choose from over 50 characters within the game, which includes Jedi, droids, and characters with blasters. Therefore in Lego Star Wars II there are a total of over 100 characters.


The whole game is in a world all created with Lego’s. Lego’s will keep the game fun and fresh so it feels a bit different then just a play through of the movies. The graphics are very good and crisp; also the Lego’s are very attractive and make everything have a more entertaining look. In my opinion the game is fun if you like Lego’s and Star Wars.

Lego Star Wars Game Play

Lego Star Wars Game Play

Lego Star Wars Rocks Comments

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1 comment:

Eter Bart said...

Pretty cool!